Limited edition. Paolo Ventura and the artist’s photobook.
Curator and presentation, Book Festival, Pordenone Legge, Pordenone (IT)

#FEELINGVENICE Presentation of the sensory archive of the Venice lagoon
(video, audio ASMR, photographs, installations and olfactory performance) conceived and edited for the Vittorio Cini Archive. 79th Venice International Film Festival, Lido of Venice. (IT)

CV FORUM 2022 - The management of artistic and cultural assets for the growth and relaunch of the country system. Presentation of Feeling Venice. M9 Auditorium - Museum of the 20th century.

Better thief than Photographer
- The archive and the art of copying as an artistic process. Master in Authorial Photography by Augusto Pieroni Officine Fotografiche (Rome)

Almanac of Suspension.
Visual Archive of the pandemic. With Davide Giannella, Leonardo Merlini, Francesca Seravalle and Matteo Balduzzi. Triennale Milano / BookCity Milan Festival (IT)

Presenting the platform The Editorialist
made with Arte-Mide winning project of Upskill contest, realized with ITS and supported by University of Iuav, Ca' Foscari University, Fondazione di Venezia at M9 Museum (IT)     

The hard life of curating a photobook. ICV - Lecture during the Mentorship program at Bristol Photo Festival (UK)

The hard life of curating a photobook. Street Level Gallery - Glasgow (UK)

New Italian Talents - Pannel discussion introduced by Walter Guadagnini (Camera), Giangavino Pazzola (Futures), Elisa Medde (Foam Magazine), Italian Council - MIBaCT, Francesca Seravalle (curator). In occasion of the annyversary, 5 YEARS IN 5 DAYS CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia (Turin)

Leaving Room | At home with Francesca Seravalle. Spazio Labo - Online interview

Better thief than Photographer - Lecturer at Officine Fotografiche (Rome)

The making of The Y with the author (Alba Zari) - Maxxi Museum (Rome, IT)

The hard life of a curator and researcher. Parallel Masterclass Milano, Symposium Curating Photography (IT)

The making of The Y with the author (Alba Zari) - Micamera (Milan, IT)

The making of The Y with the author (Alba Zari) - Les Rencontres d’Arles (Arles - FR)

Everything has its first time. Venice Film Festival, Venice (IT)

The History of the Photobook. The Phair, Italian Fair, on web tv, Turin (IT)

Photobook experiences
. University of South Wales, Cardiff (UK)

How to curate a Photobook and a Photo Exhibition. Lecturer at City of Glasgow College (UK)

How to curate a Photobook and a Photo Exhibition. Lecturer at University of the West of England, Bristol (UK)

Women from Ca’ Pesaro. Venice Film Festival, Venice (IT)

Everything has its first time. IUAV University of Architecture - Master of Photography (Venice, IT)

Everything has its first time. Arnolfini Center of Contemporary Art, Bristol (UK)
The making of Alex & Me show, panel with Tim Clark and James Pfaff, Street Level Gallery, Glasgow (UK)

Until Proven Otherwise on the Evidence of the First Photos. Officine Fotografiche, Milan (IT)

How to read an image apparently without subject. Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles (FR)

Women from Ca’ Pesaro. Museum of Modern Art, Ca’ Pesaro, Venice (IT)

How to curate a Photo Exhibition. Flash Art Italy workshop, Milan (IT)

Until Proven Otherwise on the Evidence of the First Photos. Wroclaw (PL)

The making of Alex & Me book. ICA – International Center of Contemporary Art, Glasgow (UK)

Until Proven Otherwise on the Evidence of the First Photos. And presenting Fabrica Editorial Gazeboo Photobook Festival – Puntasecca, Sicily (IT).

Until Proven Otherwise on the Evidence of the First Photos. Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles (FR)

The making of Alex & Me book. with the author (James Pfaff) performing and painting. Les Rencontres d’Arles

Until Proven Otherwise on the Evidence of the First Photos. Lynxs - Imaging the Past, Collecting th Future: Archive, Photography, Cinema, Museums” First International “LYNX Center for the Interdisciplinar Analysis of Images” Conference. School for Advanced Studies, Lucca (IT)

Pixels and Squares. Brighton Festival of Art, Brighton (UK)

Dalston Anatomy introduction to the exhibtion CNA, Centre National de L’Audiovisuel, Luxembourg (LU)

How to read an image apparently without subject. Quad Center, Derby (UK)