Projects based on Archival materials
Until Proven Otherwise on The Evidence of the First Photos
The Fist Photos
Everything has its First Time
Shining in Absence
Alex & Me
Secret Communication
Woman from Ca’ Pesaro
Interviews given about Archives
PHMuseum digital show Francesca Seravalle: On the Polysemy of the Fist
Colin Pantall’s blog Francesca Seravalle and the hidden language of the archive
Colin Pantall text Installing The First Photos in Gazebook
Alejandro Acin ATA: Introducing Francesca Seravalle
Amano Photographic Studies Activating the Archive Arnolfini Bristol 5’th May 2018
Urbanautica Francesca Orsi: Francesca Seravalle: The First Photos
My first work in Photography fields was in archives, I worked as archivist in the first period of digitalisation, cataloguing ancient reviews of Photography, archiving photobooks, photographs and personal correspondences between photographers and gallery managers, with the national program system and studying the structures of the archives.
Magnum Photos (Paris - FR)
CRAF Centro Ricerca Archiviazione Fotografia (Spilimbergo - IT)
SuperStock (London - UK)
I’ve collaborated with the following Institutions, doing private and research on commission for exhibitions, books and exhibition. My mission is to give a contemporary visibility to the archival materials. And I’ve coordinated the department of Curator & Archival Research between of Fabrica Communication’s Centre of Benetton Group (IT) the 2016-2017
The Archive of Modern Conflict (UK)
Fondazione Corriere della Sera (IT)
Fototeca Ando Gilardi (IT)
National Media Museum (UK)
V&A (UK)
Museo di Arte Moderna di Venezia, Ca’ Pesaro (IT)
Most of my personal projects, like the Research of the First Photos are based on archival materials, specially in International Open Data archives.
List of Online Archives consulted:
Berkeley University Digital Library
British Library
Institute Lumière
Istituto Luce
La Société Française de la Photographie
Library of Congress
NASA Archive
Museum of Modern Art Archives
Smithsonian Institution Archives
The Franklin Institute
The Getty Research Institute Open Content Images
The George Eastman Museum
The Internet Archive
The Metropolitan Museum’s Open Access (OASC)
The Royal Photography Society
The Russian Archive
The Talbot Museum
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Yale University Online Digital Collections