Artigiane Veneziane
(10 minutes)
Director Francesca Seravalle
Assistent director Chiarastella Seravalle
2021 Arte-Mide Production
Sponsored by Regione Veneto / Conform
Killing Kisses at Coronavirus time
(3’01 minutes)
Illegal Archival research on the dangerousness of the kiss 2020 Concept and Director Francesca Seravalle
(4’16 minutes)
Concept and Director Francesca Seravalle
2019 Ideated for the War Museum (SL)
The Sound of the Burano Needle Lace
(15’minutes) Concept and Director
2018 Sponsored by Regione Veneto
Emma, the last lacemaker
Concept and Director Francesca Seravalle
2018 projected at SUZHOU DESIGN WEEK (Chine)
Commissioned by Fondazione Venezia 2000
Concept and editor Francesca Seravalle
2018 projected at UNSEEN,
Commissioned by Unseen CO-OP in collaboration with Fotoromanzo Italiano
Women from Ca’ Pesaro
(3’minutes) concept and director
2018 projected at Venice Film Fest
2017 projected and installed at Ca’ Pesaro Museum of Modern Art of Venice
Commissioned by Musei Civici di Venezia
Concept and photo editing from archival images of the Museum.
Sponsored by Regione Veneto
Secret Communication, The First Onscreen Woman Orgasm + The First Sound Ever recorded
Tribute to Hedy Lamarr
(4’ minutes video made by archival material)
2015 Concept and video editing
2017 Paris Photo Saint Germaine, Paris (FR)
2016 - Shortlist Premio Pasinetti
Casa del Cinema
Projected at Venice Film Fest (IT)
2016 projected at Photo50
Femminine Masculine Exhibition, London Art Fair – London (UK)
Commemorational project about the big flood in venice 2016-1966
Curated by Francesca Seravalle
Showed at Fondazione Bevilacqua LaMasa in St. Mark Square - Venice
Until Proven Otherwise on the Evidence of The First Photos
(20’ minutes video made by archival material)
Concept and director
2016 video installation for Wroclaw, Capital of European Culture 2016 (PL)
(10 minutes)
Director Francesca Seravalle
Assistent director Chiarastella Seravalle
2021 Arte-Mide Production
Sponsored by Regione Veneto / Conform
Killing Kisses at Coronavirus time
(3’01 minutes)
Illegal Archival research on the dangerousness of the kiss 2020 Concept and Director Francesca Seravalle
(4’16 minutes)
Concept and Director Francesca Seravalle
2019 Ideated for the War Museum (SL)
The Sound of the Burano Needle Lace
(15’minutes) Concept and Director
2018 Sponsored by Regione Veneto
Emma, the last lacemaker
Concept and Director Francesca Seravalle
2018 projected at SUZHOU DESIGN WEEK (Chine)
Commissioned by Fondazione Venezia 2000
Concept and editor Francesca Seravalle
2018 projected at UNSEEN,
Commissioned by Unseen CO-OP in collaboration with Fotoromanzo Italiano
Women from Ca’ Pesaro
(3’minutes) concept and director
2018 projected at Venice Film Fest
2017 projected and installed at Ca’ Pesaro Museum of Modern Art of Venice
Commissioned by Musei Civici di Venezia
Concept and photo editing from archival images of the Museum.
Sponsored by Regione Veneto
Secret Communication, The First Onscreen Woman Orgasm + The First Sound Ever recorded
Tribute to Hedy Lamarr
(4’ minutes video made by archival material)
2015 Concept and video editing
2017 Paris Photo Saint Germaine, Paris (FR)
2016 - Shortlist Premio Pasinetti
Casa del Cinema
Projected at Venice Film Fest (IT)
2016 projected at Photo50
Femminine Masculine Exhibition, London Art Fair – London (UK)
Commemorational project about the big flood in venice 2016-1966
Curated by Francesca Seravalle
Showed at Fondazione Bevilacqua LaMasa in St. Mark Square - Venice
Until Proven Otherwise on the Evidence of The First Photos
(20’ minutes video made by archival material)
Concept and director
2016 video installation for Wroclaw, Capital of European Culture 2016 (PL)